Acupuncture is a method of encouraging the body to promote natural healing and to improve functioning. Acupuncture, performed by a Licensed Acupuncturist, is "a system which can influence three areas of healthcare: promotion of health and well-being, prevention of illness, and treatment of various medical conditions."
Acupuncture Evaluation
Treating the whole person begins with careful evaluation of all aspects of a patient’s life. During an acupuncture evaluation at 360 Sports, Spine and Wellness, the doctor may discuss the following with you:
- The history of the injury that led to your pain and your current complaints
- Past medical history, to include: illnesses, surgeries, hospitalizations, and prior treatment
- Family history, social history, and relationships
- Present medications and/or supplements you may be taking
- Allergies, nutrition/dietary habits
- Movement, exercise and rest
- Physical environment
- Occupational history
- Spirituality, mind-body connection, stress management and health goals
- A review of any systemic issues you may be experiencing. Any health concerns you may have should be discussed at this evaluation so that the doctor can formulate a complete treatment recommendation that is specific to your needs
Conditions Commonly Treated with Acupuncture
- Musculoskeletal pain- shoulders, neck, legs and back pain
- Sports injuries – tennis elbow, shin splints and rotator cuff strains
- Chronic fatigue and pain
- Arthritis – degenerative and rheumatoid
- Headaches – tension, stress and migraine
- Depression and anxiety
- Addictions