Stem Cells and Being Informed as a Patient

It has been over a year since I last spoke about “stem cells” and how there are many practices and clinicians offering “stem cell” injections to the public.  These clinics are making claims that the cellular-based therapies they are injecting are curative and cannot only help with musculoskeletal pain but in some cases claims are being made that such treatments can help with non-orthopedic conditions such as multiple sclerosis.  Furthermore, some of these “stem cell” injections are injections derived from donated cord blood or amniotic fluid which is then processed, frozen, transported, re-thawed and then injected into the patient.


The problem is that independent researchers have performed studies showing that no live mesenchymal stem cells are available in these products marketed as “stem cell” products (see link below).  The FDA is starting to crack  down on some of these clinics making wild claims regarding their successes in treating a variety of illnesses and is starting to take a stronger stance regarding these so called “stem cell” products.  “Stem cell” clinics not only make these wild claims that are unsubstantiated in the medical literature, but also charge thousands of dollars for these types of procedures to patients who are desperate for pain relief.


So, what does this mean for you, the patient?  First and foremost, we at 360 Sports, Spine and Wellness want to educate you on the field of Regenerative Medicine which we are now referring to as Orthobiologics.  The reason for the name change is that when we perform our procedures whether it’s with platelet rich plasma (PRP) or we’re performing a micronized fat or bone marrow concentrate procedure which will actually contain some of your mesenchymal stem cells, we cannot guarantee that we are going to regenerate anything.  What we can guarantee is that your cells will be helpful in the repair process if it is a tendon issue and will help the overall environment of a joint if we are dealing with an arthritic joint, hopefully allowing for less pain and improved function.


Our physicians are passionate about this burgeoning field of medicine and are committed to making sure you are informed about your treatment options and will set up realistic expectations with you for such procedures.  Please let us know if we can be of any help.


Chris Marker, D.O.

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