Unscrupulous Stem Cell Clinics

I recently wrote a blog regarding the pitfalls of “stem cell clinics” and how they are marketing “stem cell” injections when in reality the product that they are going to inject does not contain any live mesenchymal stem cells.


I then had a patient reach out to me asking questions regarding a specific clinic in our area and whether the claims they were making were valid.  The first red flag was that the patient’s wife was told that after several injections the patient will feel 100% better.  Medicine is an extremely complex field as there are so many variables from patient to patient that cannot be accounted for and therefore outcomes cannot be guaranteed.  The best we can do is collect data on our outcomes when performing Orthobiologic (regenerative medicine) procedures and then pass this data along to the patient so that they can make an informed decision.  Our physicians would never make the claim that one injection or any number of injections will completely alleviate someone’s pain.  It is deceptive and irresponsible to make such a claim as the outcomes are inevitably variable.


The second red flag regarding this claim is regarding the patient’s reason for seeking out such injections in the first place.  The patient has severe lumbar spinal stenosis which is a spinal condition that does not allow enough room for the nerve roots that go on to supply the power and sensation to our legs to breathe.  Patients with severe lumbar spinal stenosis will typically report feeling a heaviness in the legs with an aching pain in the legs, particularly when standing or walking.  Even if their product contained mesenchymal stem cells, this type of injection is not going to open up that canal and create space for the nerve roots.  An honest discussion at our facility regarding Orthobiologic (regenerative medicine) procedures for spinal stenosis would likely result in our physicians informing the patient that such a procedure could potentially decrease some inflammation which could potentially help with some of the symptoms, but would not alter the anatomical problem that is causing the patient’s symptoms.


At 360, Sports, Spine and Wellness, we are collecting data regarding our Orthobiologic procedures through a registry so that we will be able to provide patients with actual data to make an informed decision.  Orthobiologic medicine is our passion and we do not bend or compromise the integrity needed to provide compassionate and ethical care to our valued patients who have entrusted us with their medical care.


Stay well and stay active.


Chris Marker, D.O.



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