“Which orthobiologic injection is right for ME doc?”

This is one of the more frequent questions that we receive, and rightly so.  The field of regenerative medicine is very complex with many questions remaining to be answered.  Oftentimes, the more appropriate question is whether or not an injection is needed in the first place.


The most appropriate answer is, “It depends.”


First, we need to establish whether or not an injection is indicated in the first place.  Just because orthobiologic injections contain a lot of healing potential, this does not mean that this is the most appropriate starting point for everyone.  More importantly, we need to identify biomechanical factors that might be contributing to the underlying injury and pain syndrome.  In many cases, this treatment provides adequate improvement.  Regardless, these variables need to be correctly identified, even if orthobiologic injections are considered in the future.


Secondly, if an injection is indicated, which one would be the most appropriate.  PRP? Bone marrow concentrate?  Microfragmented fat? Prolotherapy?  This is where it really depends on several factors, including (1) the injured structure(s), (2) severity of the injury, (3) age and comorbidities of the person, (4) and prior treatment, to name a few.  This is where our we will sit down with you to discuss these variables and decide on the most appropriate injection for your pain and injury.


And lastly, we always have to discuss whether or not the injection will need to be repeated or if a different injection might be required in the future.  Again, this depends heavily on the type and severity of injury, as well as the person’s response to a prior injection.  In some cases, adequate pain relief can be achieved after just one injection.  Whereas in other cases, a series of injections may be required.


There are no standardized protocols for these injections or procedures, which is why we are dedicated to continually reassessing the current body of research in order to provide the most appropriate treatment.


Please do not hesitate to contact us to set up an appointment and discuss potential orthobiologic options for you.



Dr. Neal Washburn


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