Oct 07, 2020

We have spoken before in our blogs regarding how complex and amazing the human body is and how one person’s pain and injury is not the same as the next persons.  Unfortunately our musculoskeletal system is prone to injuries that then undergo a repair cycle and the repair process is not always perfect leading to […]

What is PRP?

Sep 03, 2020

Platelet rich plasma, or PRP, refers to an injection procedure that uses the healing factors from your blood to stimulate and promote healing in an area of chronic injury.  Our blood contains platelets and hundreds of growth factors and healing proteins, which naturally get recruited to areas of injury.  In order to isolate these healing […]

Rotator Cuff Injuries

May 13, 2020

The rotator cuff is comprised of 4 tendons that are located deep to the bigger deltoid muscle. The tendons of the rotator cuff provide dynamic stability to the shoulder joint with various movement. Due to their location, these tendons are susceptible to both (1) overuse injury and (2) acute/sudden injury. Overuse injury typically presents months, […]