Preventing Back Pain While Doing Yardwork

Jun 24, 2020

Well our lives seemed to dramatically change within the last few months due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.  As a society we suddenly found ourselves at home with very few options of how to occupy our time.  Some of us gravitated to Netflix, others to cooking and baking, some went to crafting, many started home projects […]

Cortisone Injections

Jun 10, 2020

“Doc, can I PLEASE get a cortisone shot?” This is a question we’ve received many times over the years as patients would seek out cortisone injections to help with pain and inflammation. Sometimes these injections would help buy the patient some time and allow them to have decreased pain. However, the literature continues to mount […]

Rotator Cuff Injuries

May 13, 2020

The rotator cuff is comprised of 4 tendons that are located deep to the bigger deltoid muscle. The tendons of the rotator cuff provide dynamic stability to the shoulder joint with various movement. Due to their location, these tendons are susceptible to both (1) overuse injury and (2) acute/sudden injury. Overuse injury typically presents months, […]

Sports Medicine and Regenerative Medicine

Nov 21, 2019

One of the first documented instances in the media of a professional athlete undergoing a regenerative medicine procedure was Hines Ward who underwent a platelet rich plasma injection (PRP injection) prior to the 2009 Super Bowl. Since then, this treatment modality has been utilized extensively in the Sports Medicine field and is now commonly utilized […]